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10 Countries Where Forex Trading is Legal and 10 Countries Where Forex Trading is Illegal.

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Forex trading is growing rapidly in the world at this time. But it is legal in many countries and illegal in many countries.

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Today we will tell you about 10 countries where Forex trading is not legal and 10 countries where it is not legal.

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1. China 2. Nigeria 3. South Africa 4. Russia 5. Ukraine 6. Egypt 7. Belgium 8. North Korea 9. Malaysia 10. France

Countries where Forex trading is illegal

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1. United States 2. United Kingdom 3. Italy 4. Germany 5. Indonesia 6. Switzerland 7. Romania 8. Australia 9. Canada 10. Japan

Countries where Forex trading is legal

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Apart from this, Forex trading is neither legal nor illegal in many countries of the world.

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Because the governments of these countries have not taken any decision on Forex trading.

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For this reason, people of such countries also do Forex trading.